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Shutlanger Village Hall

Newsposts September 2021

History Project


We have been awarded £250 by Midcounties Co-operative Communities Support Donation Fund for an interactive history project.

This will be the start of Shutlanger’s own archive used to record both past and new events in the village.

We are planning a display in the hall and a hist…

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The AGM for Shutlanger Village Hall is on Monday 1st November at 7.00pm in the hall.

This is an open meeting where you have the chance to have your say in the running of the hall.

We will elect the committee and new members are always welcome.

The AGM will be followed by a normal commit…

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Latest Tote Result

The Shutlanger Village Hall tote draw took place on 5th September 2021 at the Village Hall and was live on Facebook too.

The winning numbers were 3 and 8

The prize was a lovely £105 ​

Congratulations to the winner and we look forward to the next draw.

If you would like to take part, ple…

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August Tote Draw

The Shutlanger Village Hall tote draw took place on 1st August 2021 at the Village Hall and was live on Facebook too.

The winning numbers were 7 and 10

The prize was a lovely £100 

Congratulations to the winner and we look forward to the next draw on 5th September.

Thank you…

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4 NewsPosts