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Shutlanger Village Hall

Latest News 

August Tote Draw

The Shutlanger Village Hall Coffee Morning and Tote Draw took place on 15th August 2024.

The draw was also live on Facebook.

This month we were able to offer two prizes of £100.00 each!

The winning numbers were 4 & 8 and 3 & 9

Half of the money raised goes towards the continuing renovation of Shutlanger Village Hall, the other half is the monthly prize pot.

The draw has raised over £5300 towards the Shutlanger Village Hall Renovation Fund and given out a similar amount in prizes in just over two years.

Congratulations to the winner and we look forward to the next draw on 18th April 2024.

If you would like to take part, please contact Barbara at [email protected]  or phone 01327 640547.

Choose two numbers between 1 and 15 not already taken.

It costs £5 to enter.

The more players, the bigger the prize!

Good luck!

July Tote Draw

 The Shutlanger Village Hall Coffee Morning and Tote Draw took place on 18th July 2024.

The draw was also live on Facebook.

This month we were able to offer two prizes of £102.50 each.

The winning numbers were 8 & 11 and 2 & 11

Half of the money raised goes towards the continuing renovation of Shutlanger Village Hall, the other half is the monthly prize pot.

The draw has raised nearly £6000 towards the Shutlanger Village Hall Renovation Fund and given out a similar amount in prizes (some prize money handed back).

Congratulations to the winners and we look forward to the next draw on 15th August 2024.

If you would like to take part, please contact Barbara at [email protected]  or phone 01327 640547.

Choose two numbers between 1 and 15 not already taken.

It costs £5 to enter.

The more players, the bigger the prize!

Good luck!

June Tote Draw

The Shutlanger Village Hall Coffee Morning and Tote Draw took place on 20th June 2024.

The draw was also live on Facebook.

This month we were able to offer two prizes of £102.50 each.

The winning numbers were 13 & 15 and 1 & 6

Half of the money raised goes towards the continuing renovation of Shutlanger Village Hall, the other half is the monthly prize pot.

The draw has raised £5638 towards the Shutlanger Village Hall Renovation Fund and given out £5438 in prizes (some prize money handed back).

Congratulations to the winners and we look forward to the next draw on 18th July 2024.

If you would like to take part, please contact Barbara at [email protected]  or phone 01327 640547.

Choose two numbers between 1 and 15 not already taken.

It costs £5 to enter.

The more players, the bigger the prize!

Good luck!

Shutlanger Open Gardens 2024

Shutlanger hosted the third Shutlanger Open Gardens on June 9th 2024.

11 gardens, including the village hall were open from 10.30am - 2.30pm with additional car parking provided this year too.

There was a plant sale, art and craft sale and a nature trail for the children.

Bacon rolls, cream teas and a varied selection of cakes and refreshments were available throughout the day.

We had many new visitors to the gardens, and all proceeds will go to the continued renovation of our lovely village hall.

Thanks to those who opened their gardens, to those who baked cakes and donated plants and our many volunteers for your help on the day.

May Tote Draw

The Shutlanger Village Hall Coffee Morning and Tote Draw took place on 16th May 2024.

The draw was also live on Facebook.

This month we were able to offer two prizes of £100.00 each plus two additional prizes of £50 each in celebration of our 140th Birthday!

The winning numbers for £100 prizes were 3 & 13 and 6 & 13

The winning numbers for the £50 prizes were 10 & 11 and 6 & 14

Half of the money raised goes towards the continuing renovation of Shutlanger Village Hall, the other half is the monthly prize pot.

The draw has raised £5435 towards the Shutlanger Village Hall Renovation Fund and given out over £5000 in prizes (some prize money handed back).

Congratulations to the winners and we look forward to the next draw on 20th June 2024.

If you would like to take part, please contact Barbara at [email protected]  or phone 01327 640547.

Choose two numbers between 1 and 15 not already taken.

It costs £5 to enter.

The more players, the bigger the prize!

Good luck!


140 year Birthday Celebration

We celebrated the Village Hall's 140th birthday on Sunday 12th May 2024 with a garden party at the hall.

There was a bouncy castle and lawn games for the children with a toast to the hall and cream teas for the adults.

Suzanne provided a stunning celebration cake in the shape of Shutlanger Village Hall.

Music from the time the hall was built was playing in the hall together with a short video of the improvements made to the hall over the past few years.

Thanks to the hard work of the organisers and volunteers who helped make it a lovely village event and to the Parish Council for their support.



April Tote Draw

The Shutlanger Village Hall Coffee Morning and Tote Draw took place on 18th April 2024.

The draw was also live on Facebook.

This month we were able to offer two prizes of £105.00 each!

The winning numbers were 4 & 8 and 7 & 12

Half of the money raised goes towards the continuing renovation of Shutlanger Village Hall, the other half is the monthly prize pot.

The draw has raised £5335 towards the Shutlanger Village Hall Renovation Fund and given out over £5000 in prizes (some prize money handed back).

Congratulations to the winners and we look forward to the next draw on 16th May 2024.

If you would like to take part, please contact Barbara at [email protected]  or phone 01327 640547.

Choose two numbers between 1 and 15 not already taken.

It costs £5 to enter.

The more players, the bigger the prize!

Good luck!

Shutlanger Easter Trail

On Saturday 30th March, more than 20 children enjoyed finding clues to make a word and Easter chocolate treats at the Shutlanger Easter Trail.

The weather was glorious, there was a prize, an Easter egg, for each child and lots of games and activities to do. 


March Tote Draw

The Shutlanger Village Hall Coffee Morning and Tote Draw took place on 21st March 2024.

The draw was also live on Facebook.

This month we were able to offer two prizes of £102.50 each!

The winning numbers were 13 & 15 and 4 & 8

Half of the money raised goes towards the continuing renovation of Shutlanger Village Hall, the other half is the monthly prize pot.

The draw has raised over £5300 towards the Shutlanger Village Hall Renovation Fund and given out a similar amount in prizes in just over two years.

Congratulations to the winner and we look forward to the next draw on 18th April 2024.

If you would like to take part, please contact Barbara at [email protected]  or phone 01327 640547.

Choose two numbers between 1 and 15 not already taken.

It costs £5 to enter.

The more players, the bigger the prize!

Good luck!

Winter Quiz

Shutlanger Village Hall hosted it's Winter Quiz Night on 24th February 2024.

The quiz was once again hosted by Debbie and Joe Hoggins.

The winning team named "The Blaggers" shared 6 bottles of fine French wine.

We also had a raffle with plenty of prizes on offer.

There was a great atmosphere with the ticket price of £15.00 including a hot meal of Thai curry and rice.

Prosecco, beer, wine and soft drinks were also available too.

All profits will go to the Shutlanger Village Hall Renovation Fund.


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